Marriage compatibility or Thirumana Porutham is like the core which holds all the aspects of the marriage, according to the Tamil astrology.This process of Thirumana Porutham involves comparison of the boy's and girl's Nakshatras to find the perfect match and ensure their long & happy life.
₹200.00 / $3.00
For international clients
1. When a boy and a girl decide to marry, they vow to hold and behold each other for the rest of their lives.
2. To make this life-changing choice, the parents of both the girl and the boy who will be married, as well as the elders of their families, convene; they then employ an ancient technique created by the sages of old to determine the girl and the boy's marital compatibility.
3. The koota agreement, or 'Porutham,' approach is the name for this method.
4. He'll let you know what's possible in terms of timing.
5. The consultation will take held at the scheduled time.
All these Benefits are common and these Benefits can vary from Person to Person,for more Accurate Impact have Marriage Matching
For international clients
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